100% of your donations will be used to help others, not pay administrative fees.
Presently, 0% of your donated money will go to salaries or administration of the founders or administration in the United States. Salaries to those on the ground to those in these economies keep the facilities going are paid but that only serves to help jump start the local economies.
This means that 100% of your money is going to the place it should -- to help others. Big problems with charitable organizations are the layers of administration and money getting into the wrong hands in these depressed areas. Our tactic of going ourselves to these areas and making sure the money goes into the right hands is another passionate goal of E3. Please help us to educate, elevate and empower.
For online donations, please use the form below. You can also send physical checks to the following address.
Educate Elevate Empower
1599 Hamburg Tpke.
Wayne, NJ 07470
Our journey has started in the Village of Tembwe, Malawi. We have partnered up with another non-profit, Compassion Kind International, assisting to build and establish the first functioning health care clinic. We are now following the below blueprint to bring sustainable development to the same village, and expand to more villages in the future.
The first step of our blueprint is to create the environment which will act as a global hub for kids to access global education standards. Kids in the village will go from sharing one book among 30 kids to having a fully equipped computer lab.
We utilize solar energy and satellite internet to make internet accessible to public, especially kids. This will allow them to access educational resources that the rest of the world has access to- from YouTube to free material published by leading world institutions.
Drop-out rates in Malawi are a huge problem keeping kids, especially girls from getting an education. The opportunity internet presents will bring them back to school, and jumpstart their journey to becoming future leaders in their community.
Not only kids will benefit from having access to the internet, but also teachers will have the opportunity to learn the most advanced teaching methods, and keep up with the demands of the global economy.
Having internet access will create jobs locally & globally. Students will develop skills that will help their local initiatives, and they will have the chance to adapt to a growing global gig economy, and create additional economic value in their communities.
These developments will empower the local economy to become self-sustaining, to the point where the village can keep advancing without external assistance.